

Cathedral of Cologne

- with Winfried Bönig

Price: 6,00 

Supported by F. Victor Rolff-Stiftung

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Cathedral of Cologne
Cathedral of Cologne
Cathedral of Cologne
Cathedral of Cologne
Johannes Klais organ © Renate Hofmann
The largest church in Germany received its main organ in 1948 from the Klais company. It is located on a gallery between the transept and the chancel and today has 94 stops. To improve the sound in the nave, a swallow’s nest organ with 53 stops suspended from steel cables was built in 1998. Finally, in 2006, two powerful high-pressure stops Tuba episcopalis 8′ and Tuba capitularis 8′ were installed above the west portal, so that today the entire organ system has 147 stops. The stop Vox balaena 64′ produces such low tones by interference of a 32′ and a fifth 21 1/3′ that they can be felt rather than heard.
Cologne Cathedral is one of the largest gothic cathedrals in the world and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its construction from 1248 onwards took more than 600 years. Art historians praise the perfect proportions, tourists from all over the world are overwhelmed by the majestic height and size of the dark room. Cologne people consider it a miracle that the cathedral survived the Second World War in the midst of the bombed-out city. in the middle of the bombed-out city – but only apparently unscathed. The cathedral is the most precious permanent building site in Germany – there is always something to be there is always something to do!
Cathedral of Cologne
Cathedral in Cologne
Cathedral of Cologne
Winfried Bönig © Beatrice Tomasetti
Winfried Bönig has been the organist at Cologne Cathedral since 2001 and thus makes his mark on one of the most important organ positions in Germany. He has been Professor of Artistic Organ Playing and Improvisation at the Cologne University of Music since 1998. Before that, Bönig worked mainly in southern Germany. He grew up in Bamberg, sat at the cathedral organ there as a pupil at the age of 13, later studied in Munich, earned a doctorate in musicology in Augsburg and worked as a church musician in Memmingen for 14 years. Since then, he has travelled all over the world as a concert organist. www.koelner-dommusik.de/organisten
This Film is Supported by F. Victor Rolff-Stiftung
Cathedral of Cologne

Cathedral of Cologne

– with Winfried Bönig



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